Our School Houses...

School Houses

At Sandringham Primary School we have four houses:

Wominjeka: Blue

Burtkurmin: Green

Kurki Kurki: Red

Tarndowring: Yellow

These house groups are typically used for sport competitions at school and students will be advised which house they are allocated to upon commencement at Sandringham Primary School.

The house names were selected by our students to represent our school’s culture and values, and we are pleased to share the meanings behind these chosen indigenous words…

Wominjeka: Everyone in the school is welcome, no matter where they are from.  At Sandringham Primary School, we are welcoming to all.

Burtkurmin: We want our school to be a peaceful place, where no one is bullied.

Kurki Kurki: We are friends and family; we are caring to each other.

Tarndowring: We want everyone to be treated equally and fairly.  We believe no one should be left out of activities or treated any differently to anyone else.